Infertility- When Should You Address The Problem!

Many women in the USA today suffer from infertility. This is a major cause of distress and worry. Most of the time, women also face problems from their families because they are unable to conceive after having unprotected intercourse for a prolonged period of time. Many women are not educated on what infertility is and they do not seek medical intervention on time. Infertility has been defined by doctors to be the inability to become pregnant after one year of unprotected intercourse. If you are over 35 years and have been unable to conceive after six months of unprotected intercourse, it is recommended that you should visit a doctor.

Dr. Kwang Yul Cha is the owner of Cha Fertility Centre in the USA and he has been helping several women enjoy the bliss of motherhood in the event of infertility. He says that women should seek medical intervention at the right time.  There is a high decrease of infertility for women above the age of 35 years. He says that the woman and her partner should seek the medical advice of a reproductive endocrinologist that is a fertility specialist post six months of regular intercourse. If a woman has irregular menstrual cycles, she should seek the advice of a doctor immediately he says.

There are again couples that have miscarriages in a row and they lose hope. He says that in the case of recurrent pregnancy loss, couples are able to receive fertility treatment as well. They should agree to see a pregnancy specialist after they suffer from over two miscarriages. There are successful treatment procedures available for couples. Dr. Kwang Yul Cha says that once the right diagnosis has been determined, the right procedure for treatment will be determined.

He says that there many couples that face trauma when it comes to the infertility issue. They are not able to discuss the matter at home and even if they do family members are not very supportive. They sometimes are blamed for the infertility issue and this makes it very tough for the couple. Dr. Kwang Yul Cha says that his fertility clinic understands this predicament of childless couples and this is the sole reason why he and his staff have a compassionate approach to all infertility issues. He says the couple requires the compassion and care that will give them hope that they are in safe and sound hands.

Dr. Kwang Yul Cha is highly respected for his services and compassion. He has helped thousands of couples have their dream family. The fertility clinic ensures that the privacy and the confidentiality of the couple are maintained. They get customized care and individual attention as well. He says that it is very important for couples to realize that there is help and support at hand when they are faced with infertility woes. His and his team of caring fertility experts will help, support and guide you through the journey with success. He says it is important for you to come forward- the rest will be taken care by them!

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